David’s farewell match

News added: 05/24/2010 04:17

There was only one match held on Friday 21st of May between FusionOne and Netlead. And it was a farewell match of one of the permanent participator of our tournaments, the top player of Netlead David Hernandez Garcia, that to our regret goes back to Spain.  
And if the last time playing five, Netlead atchived an impressive victory, this time it was not going well for Netlead. In the end of first half Vsevolod Boikov FusionOne opens score. Netlead could respond in a few minutes after second half started with a help of Matthieu Watermez. Netlead did not have a plan to end up with a draw, but could not score more during the match.

Best player of the match became leaving David Hernandez Garcia.