GZ on Top!

News added: 06/22/2010 23:14

Amigos and Bisboccioni played first match on Tuesday 22nd of June.
Amigos team performance looked more spectacular; however both had equal sharp moments. Vigilance and great work of goalkeepers kept the score 0 in the first half.   
In the middle of second half Dmitri Aleksandrov (Amigos) assists Andrei Gorbach with a pass, and it did look like the game should end with the advantage of Amigos. But… one minute before the end Amigos fail to return for defense and missed counterattack when Jose Antonio Page assisted by Andrea Castelnovo equalizes!
MVP during the match are as follows: Andrei Gorbach (Amigos) and Andrea Castelnovo (Bisbaccioni).


The match between GZ and FC Liikuri began with a sequence of minor faults mostly made by GZ. Soon the only goal in the whole match after which the situation have leveled off.
FC Liikuri’s team play had more errors and they more defended with some sharp counterattacks that could change the score in their favour. However, the fortune was on the side of GZ and they managed to keep the winning score until the end of the match.
Pavel Hodossov (FC Liikuri) was noted as MVP of hist team and Aleksandr Goidin the only scorer was named as MVP from GZ team.


Today’s GZ victory brings them to the top of the league standings. They will remain on top minimum until the match between Maccabi and Kalev Vesi (29th June) or even later if Maccabi loose or have a draw with Kalev Vesi. Therefore the upcoming holidays GZ team will enjoy as leaders of our Championship.

Games results.


Games schedule.