New record

News added: 09/03/2010 23:31

Continuing Amateur league championship held two matches on Monday August 30th. The first match was between AME and Inter Tallinn.

Evgeni Jartsev scored two goals in the first half leading his team 2:0. The first goal was scored on 3rd minute with assist of Aleksandr Shestakov and the second when a left flank passage made and stroke the gate of Inter Tallinn on 20th minute.
However, the intrigue of the match showed up for Inter Tallinn supporters in the second half, when defender Marco Evoliny saved 100% goal with his hand in a penalty area. For which he got a red card and his team a penalty against. Aleksandr Shestakov (AME) does not miss a penalty increasing the score 3:0 to AME.

Playing 6 against 7, Inter Tallinn concedes one more goal. It looked like it was enough for AME and the last 15 minutes Inter Tallinn was putting a high pressure on opponents. Maybe the really did not need a 7th player in the team :) Within few minutes David Bader scores two goals minimizing the score. However, the time worked on AME’s side that could keep the winning score 4:2.

Aleksandr Shestakov (AME) and David Bader (Inter Tallinn) were defined as best players of the match.

The second match of the evening was between the contenders for the gold GZ team and Zapadnaya Granica who stably remain on fifth standings position.

It should be noted that due to the lack of key players, Zapadnaya Granica was trying to move the match to a more favorable period. Game transfer did not take place and result of the match could be predictable, since GZ arrived to the match in full “arms”.

Playing without substitution Zapadnaya Granica could keep pace imposed by the GZ only to the middle of the first half. GZ methodically scored goal by goal ending with 5:0. Only on the 51st minute Stanislav Rõba managed to score a prestige goal against GZ.  
Aleksandr Istenko (GZ) and Kirill Kalinin (Zapadnaya Granica) were defined as best players of the match.


FC Liikuri that had a goal difference minus 21 goal managed to balance its goal difference to 0, making a score record and defeating 21:1 Everton Tallinn team.

It seemed that FC Liikuri realized all the missing opportunities in one match that were missing throughout the entire Amateur League Championship.
During the match the role of goalkeeping were tried by almost all players of Everton Tallinn including the only female in the Amateur League Nelle Nõguste.
Thanks to efforts of Siim Malva who almost always scores against all the opponents this time made it happen on 59th minute.
The match ended with a victory of FC liikuri 21:1.

Evgeni Barashkov scored 7, Pavel Hodossov 6 and Konstantin Lunev 4 goals.  

Games results.